Friday, December 14, 2007

Week 7
St Josephs County Public Library System had set up a pathfinder wiki for subject guides; only librarians could edit this material, so there was restricted access. I looked up the last changes which were 'recommended local and family history websites' by Libby the Librarian. Princeton Public Library used 'BookLoversWiki' as a summer reading club for adults, the reading club participants and library staff all contributed to putting reviews onto the site. I see wikis as good for collaborative projects - access can be restricted to a certain group such as the librarians within a network of branches or more open to the public, such as library customers around a topic. As shown in the Youtube video rather than exchanging emails on a particular project, information can be collected together by different people on a wiki. In an open wiki I think there needs to be a check, a monitor, in terms of the information on the levels of accuracy, spammers etc. I can see wikis could be useful for research, projects, and documentation, and a way of sharing resources and thoughts at a distance but viewable by others. The Durham County Library used a wiki in the development of their strategic plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a win here for wiki, wiki wiki wiki, oi oi oi