Saturday, December 8, 2007

Week 6
I enrolled in
and have inserted the tags on the computer (I'm not sure if we were meant to do this).
I could not find 'several habits of wildly successful users' - it seems it was put on in 2005 and may have been removed as too old. Through the search option keywords of 'Slacker Manager' there was 'Several habits of wildly successful twitter uses'.
I liked the Youtube 'Social Bookmarking in Plain English' which aimed to keep it simple.
I had already explored tags to some extent in Flickr looking through tags like 'frogs' to find a group of photos submitted by many different people under this tag. I looked at items within the tag cloud and added some of them.
The material that comes up may not always be relevant to what you are looking for depending who has added to the tags. I can see that adding tags and making these available to other people in your area within a subject or within a library system could be useful on a particular subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tag, your it