Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 9

Some parts of ACL Learning 2.0 I enjoyed and some I found frustrating, like when I tried to insert a picture and couldn't find the straight-forward way to do it. I think at times I created problems for myself by not doing things the simplest way possible, but trying to find things that interested me. I really felt a sense of achievement when I managed to insert the video that would play on my blog.
LibraryThing is a resource that I would use again, and I can see the use of wikis and RSS feeds. This Learning 2.00 experience has taught me about a range of technologies I haven't used before and ways to access them. Yeah!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done and you slipped in by your chinny chin chin. Well done on cross the finishing line and taking the time out to explore.