Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 5

#10 Image generators

Staff with Poetree from the Rose Festival Rose Gardens turned into a puzzle, missing a few pieces, from FD toys, imported the picture across from 'My Pictures'. With the leaf I got the reflection but not the water moving as in the generator image - the effect without the movement..when you click on Fotline the moving image does come back.

I added fourteen books to my library under Library Thing, mainly older volumes, I was intrigued by the pictures of the covers and how they could be arranged 'judging a book by its cover'. I spent quite awhile getting the link established in the Template of my blog to my selection in Library Thing - getting a link that worked. The books available under 'Amazon' and 'Library of Congress' could give quite different lists, for example I found surprisingly many more books listed under Amazon for 'John Logan Campbell' than Lib. of Congress - authored and written about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work here and I like the puzzle