Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 4

This week I've been looking at RSS feeds. It has taken me several attempts to link my bloglines feed link into the template. I incorporated into my list a few from other people's blogs at ACL - from one I linked into 'National Geographic News' and through another into 'Podcasting News'.
'Boing Boing' a weblog of 'cultural curiosities' is popular through Technorati, but didn't appeal to me. Through Technorati I also located a basic tutorial on Skype. A search for 'New Zealand poetry' under 'topix' brought up Michele Leggott as NZ Poet Laureate, but also seeming unrelated topics like 'Amazing Grace' played on bagpipes. I entered 'libraries' into Syndic8 and got a list of possibilities, but couldn't incorporate 'Library Techlog' into my list as it said it had no associated blog. Most of my list I got through Bloglines either from the list of top 1000 or through their search option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see how you have used different applications - keep it up!